If you need to resolve judicial, accounting or even labor concerns. You should know which are the best consultancies in Spain, to put an end to any problem of that nature.
Do you want advice or advice on any of the most fashionable accounting or legal issues in the market? Do you need the help of a professional for some procedures? Here we tell you some of the best consultancies in Spain.
There are many people who seek help in legal, tax, labor or accounting issues, so from Buscatea we want you to know some of the best consultancies in Spain, so that if you have any unforeseen event, you have some guarantee, located. Do you want to find out what they are? Let's get to it!
In terms of technical definition, consultancy is the work of a professional or institution intended for the execution of different functions of advice, control and surveillance of the economic exercise of a natural or legal person who hires its services in the economic or legal field.
The main functions performed by a consultancy are the following: propose, recommend the best possible alternatives to its different clients, in the matter in which said advisor has specialized. These matters can be those related in the subsequent fields: accounting, fiscal, labor or judicial. Likewise, it also carries out other tasks such as: monitoring of obligations, consultation and collection of documentation and specific information according to the corresponding field.
What are the best consultancies in Spain?
Spain is one of the most developed countries in judicial or labor matters, so many of the best consultancies are distributed throughout the Spanish state. Do you want to know what they are?
1. Advice Madrid – Online
One of the best consultancies in Madrid, are experts in the Law of 2nd Opportunity, which benefits small entrepreneurs, who have a very large debt and thanks to the consultancies, can liquidate it in the best possible way. They renegotiate your debt so that you have financing again.
Likewise, another of its services are the following: tax advice (for procedures such as VAT declarations, personal income tax, self-employed etc.), project financing (collaborating with financial suppliers), management (for commercial issues), issues related to inheritances, among others. They also help save companies from a possible bankruptcy, one of the best valued aids in the world of work.
2. Vadillo Consultancy – Calle Maldonado, 65
It is a group of companies that develop their business activity in the consulting and advisory sector. With an experience of more than 65 years in the sector, they provide their services in the following areas of action: tax, labor and legal advice, administrative management of SMEs and large companies, among other areas.
It also has an insurance department, in which they provide a service with the possibility of contracting insurance by the client, at an affordable price. A service very well valued in the world of consultancies and, above all, by the clients who demand it.
3. Asesores Fianza – Calle de Alfonso XII, 20
One of the best consultancies in Spain is located in Madrid. They are leaders in the market and are backed by an experience of more than two decades in the sector. Their mission is as follows, to guide the client by transmitting their confidence in their respective projects and, all with a digital innovation, because they use technology in an efficient way.
Among its most outstanding services are the following: tax and accounting advice, labor advice, consulting, auditing and a team of top-level lawyers.
4. Asesoría BKF – Paseo de la Castellana, 141
With an experience of more than 20 years, asesoría BKF is considered one of the best consultancies in Spain. The vast majority give advice and support to SMEs, although they also work with freelancers and small entrepreneurs in different sectors of society, from technology, construction such as travel agencies or textile industries.
It has three advantages over other consultancies, the first of which is that it has a high degree of involvement, that is, they give each client what they themselves would like to receive if they were in that place. The second is the presence, understood as globalization, they cover clients from all parts of the Spanish geography. The third and no less important, is the experience, more than 20 years in the sector.
5. Help T SMEs – Online
It is considered one of the best consultancies in Spain, thanks to its online service. Its team of professionals is able to help you in the following areas of action: agency, legal, tax or labor advice. They also offer Marketing services for SMEs, one of the best valued competitive advantages in the market.
And if your intention is to train in advisory or consulting issues, with Ayuda T Pymes, you can do it, thanks to their courses.
6. Concongestion Consulting – Calle Albacete, 4
One of the best consultancies in Spain, it is located in Valencia and carries out its business activity in the following areas of action: commercial, corporate, tax, accounting and finance, among others.
From the professional point of view, try to give the best solutions for self-employed professionals and for companies, of any size. Many of your clients value your services and work on your website satisfactorily.
7. Raipe Consultors – Calle de Aragó, 652
It is one of the best consultancies in Spain and has its place of work in the Catalan capital, in Barcelona. They offer a comprehensive service of management and advice to companies in areas such as tax, labor, accounting and legal to all types of companies and freelancers for more than 20 years.
They work under three main pillars; Professionalism and personal experience in the sector, trust (offering customers a guarantee) and proactivity (getting involved in their clients' projects).
There are many people who seek advice to solve their judicial, labor or tax problems, contacting consultancies and agencies. Now, you know which are some of the best in Spain. Have we managed to solve the doubts you might have? Do not think twice and when you have a problem to solve, go to one of these, which we have told you.
The best consultancies in Spain
If you need to resolve judicial, accounting or even labor concerns. You should know which are the best consultancies in Spain, to put an end to any problem of that nature.
Do you want advice or advice on any of the most fashionable accounting or legal issues in the market? Do you need the help of a professional for some procedures? Here we tell you some of the best consultancies in Spain.
There are many people who seek help in legal, tax, labor or accounting issues, so from Buscatea we want you to know some of the best consultancies in Spain, so that if you have any unforeseen event, you have some guarantee, located. Do you want to find out what they are? Let's get to it!
In terms of technical definition, consultancy is the work of a professional or institution intended for the execution of different functions of advice, control and surveillance of the economic exercise of a natural or legal person who hires its services in the economic or legal field.
The main functions performed by a consultancy are the following: propose, recommend the best possible alternatives to its different clients, in the matter in which said advisor has specialized. These matters can be those related in the subsequent fields: accounting, fiscal, labor or judicial. Likewise, it also carries out other tasks such as: monitoring of obligations, consultation and collection of documentation and specific information according to the corresponding field.
What are the best consultancies in Spain?
Spain is one of the most developed countries in judicial or labor matters, so many of the best consultancies are distributed throughout the Spanish state. Do you want to know what they are?
1. Advice Madrid – Online
Likewise, another of its services are the following: tax advice (for procedures such as VAT declarations, personal income tax, self-employed etc.), project financing (collaborating with financial suppliers), management (for commercial issues), issues related to inheritances, among others. They also help save companies from a possible bankruptcy, one of the best valued aids in the world of work.
2. Vadillo Consultancy – Calle Maldonado, 65
It also has an insurance department, in which they provide a service with the possibility of contracting insurance by the client, at an affordable price. A service very well valued in the world of consultancies and, above all, by the clients who demand it.
3. Asesores Fianza – Calle de Alfonso XII, 20
Among its most outstanding services are the following: tax and accounting advice, labor advice, consulting, auditing and a team of top-level lawyers.
4. Asesoría BKF – Paseo de la Castellana, 141
It has three advantages over other consultancies, the first of which is that it has a high degree of involvement, that is, they give each client what they themselves would like to receive if they were in that place. The second is the presence, understood as globalization, they cover clients from all parts of the Spanish geography. The third and no less important, is the experience, more than 20 years in the sector.
5. Help T SMEs – Online
And if your intention is to train in advisory or consulting issues, with Ayuda T Pymes, you can do it, thanks to their courses.
6. Concongestion Consulting – Calle Albacete, 4
From the professional point of view, try to give the best solutions for self-employed professionals and for companies, of any size. Many of your clients value your services and work on your website satisfactorily.
7. Raipe Consultors – Calle de Aragó, 652
They work under three main pillars; Professionalism and personal experience in the sector, trust (offering customers a guarantee) and proactivity (getting involved in their clients' projects).
There are many people who seek advice to solve their judicial, labor or tax problems, contacting consultancies and agencies. Now, you know which are some of the best in Spain. Have we managed to solve the doubts you might have? Do not think twice and when you have a problem to solve, go to one of these, which we have told you.
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